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Let’s Discover Phu Quoc Island With Vietnam Culture Tour.

For the first time in history, Vietnam has an offshore island that has been upgraded to a city-level administrative unit with a full legal basis, appearance, stature and position. Making Phu Quoc the first island city in the country is not only an important turning point; at the same time, creating a foundation to turn the “pearl island” into a center of commerce, tourism and service in the near future. At the same time, it shows Vietnam’s strategic goal of expanding the marine economy, and at the same time enhancing security and defense of the sea and islands. Let’s explore Phu Quoc Island with Vietnam Culture Tour

In the middle of the sea from the tiny plane window. Phu Quoc appears like a blue sail. Phu Quoc city has an area of ​​589.23 km2. Phu Quoc city is nearly as large as the island nation of Singapore. Located near Ha Tien city, Kien Luong district (Kien Giang province), the Gulf of Thailand and Cambodia. On the sea of ​​Phu Quoc, in addition to the main island, there are 22 different large and small islands such as Thom island, Dam island, Xuong island, Mong Tay island, May Rut island… creating a charming landscape. After its establishment, Phu Quoc city has 2 wards and 7 communes, population 179,480 people.

Phu Quoc Island becomes most crowded from April to September; however, it is the best time from October to March. In general, you can travel to Phu Quoc at any time you like, but to ensure good weather, please pay attention. . Weather forecast for best time planning. The average temperature there is usually 28 degrees Celsius.

Phu Quoc has not only beaches, but also natural landscapes for visitors to explore, which are mountains, forests, streams, lakes and waterfalls. You can enjoy the scenery or swim in waterfalls such as Suoi Tranh waterfall 4m high, surrounded by countless walking paths, rock pools, natural caves without being disturbed by anyone. Just you and the birdsong, the running water and the leaves rustling in the wind.

  • Suoi Tranh tourist area

  • Suoi Da Ban tourist area

This is a very famous name when it comes to streams in Phu Quoc. Da Ban Stream is located in Indochina town, Phu Quoc district. The reason people call it Da Ban stream because it has rocks as big as the table, visitors can both fish and have a barbecue on these cold rocks. A fresh space, green trees will be very suitable for tourists who like to chat and chat with friends.

  • Fairy Stream

The stream is only about 1km long, but the natural scenery here is quite beautiful and peaceful. Coming here, visitors seem to be immersed in a primeval forest, lush trees, if you come here in December to February next year, you will see ripe myrtle fruits.

Phu Quoc is actually a large island (actually the largest in Vietnam) plus 21 smaller islands. Be sure to rent a boat or join a snorkeling tour in the southern An Thoi archipelago, where sparkling beaches and underwater coral reefs await. On the main island there are countless beaches to choose from, depending on your preferences.

Bai Sao is a favorite stretch of sand with public and private areas, with local restaurants serving cold coconuts and grilled seafood. If you like peace and quiet, head to Vung Bau on the West Coast, where you can have a spot to yourself. Ong Lang is a long unspoiled beach perfect for families, Ganh Dau beach is a secret spot in the north of the island and Ba Keo beach is the best place to watch the sunset. You choose to go.

  • Phu Quoc Night Market

In tourist cities, night markets are gradually becoming popular. Phu Quoc night market is no exception. Visitors to the pearl island will certainly not be able to ignore the giant cuisine of this kimchi country.
Phu Quoc Night Market, also known as Duong Dong Night Market, was formerly located on Vo Thi Sau Street, but later moved to Bach Dang Street with a larger scale. Phu Quy Night Market is not only a mere nightlife entertainment area but also a leading shopping and entertainment place on the pearl island.

           Address: 6 Bach Dang, Duong Dong town, Phu Quoc.

Phu Quoc Night Market is located along the Duong Dong River, so it is not too difficult for you to visit this market. Just go straight from the entrance to the end of the market, you will discover more than 100 stalls with all kinds of goods here.

In general, Phu Quoc night market has 2 main areas:

  • Zone 1 – the beginning of the market: This is where the food stalls are concentrated. These stalls sell processed seafood for you to eat on the spot and typical Phu Quoc dishes for you to buy as gifts such as: dried seafood of all kinds, sim wine, fish sauce…
  • Zone 2 – End Zone 2 End of the market: If you have a need to buy souvenirs, crafts or pearls, the end of the market is the place you are looking for.

The snack stalls stretch from the entrance to the inside of the market with billions of dishes for you to choose from. Which is: barbecue; Sausage; grilled corn; toyaki; baked rice paper; baked eggs with oysters, meat and peanuts; Rolled ice cream, Thai coconut ice cream, confectionery, etc. Accompanied by famous drinks such as coconut water, jaggery, you can “bombard”.

Phu Quoc night market cuisine
  • Seafood continues to be the preferred choice for meals in Phu Quoc. There are more than 50 vendors offering a wide range of fresh seafood prepared or prepared according to customer preferences. The shop is always crowded, you can ask the price before eating and the quality is also guaranteed. You should try some delicious dishes such as herring salad, steamed crab, grilled shrimp, grilled urchin with onion fat. or seafood hot pot, rice, porridge.


Farewell to the Phu Quoc night market restaurants, invite readers to continue exploring with the souvenir stall at the end of the market. So what does Phu Quoc night market sell for tourists to buy as gifts?


After eating at Phu Quoc night market, you should move to the end of the market to buy gifts. Trust that you will easily have a meaningful gift for your colleague right away! One of the specialties bearing the image of Phu Quoc night market is forest sim wine.

Sim wine is made from many ripe myrtle fruits and incubated for at least 3 months. This wine has the effect of tonic blood, helps blood circulation, is beneficial for the digestive system. Even this item can effectively combat fatigue.

Therefore, forest myrtle wine is suitable for middle-aged recipients. So, if you come to sim wine, do not miss this ideal gift.


Fish sauce is one of the specialties with the image of Phu Quoc night market. In other words, this is an indispensable traditional item in busy shopping areas. This product has a delicious taste that makes friends near and far fall in love.

Every drop of Phu Quoc fish sauce is made from 100% natural anchovy ingredients. With manual processing and incubation, this specialty will gradually turn yellow. This color symbolizes the purity of fish sauce.

Phu Quoc fish sauce is the pride of the culinary quintessence of the indigenous people. At the same time, this product is being loved by millions of tourists near and far. They are even beautifully packaged to give as gifts to friends and loved ones.


Pepper is a specialty of Phu Quoc that is loved by domestic and foreign tourists to buy as gifts. This type of pepper has a thick intestine and a spicier taste than peppers from other provinces.

In addition, Phu Quoc night market also has many kinds of pepper such as pink salt and pepper, whole grain dry pepper … so you are spoiled for choice to buy as gifts for your loved ones.


For any tourist destination, goods and souvenirs are always an ideal stop for every visitor. So, when you receive a question about what Phu Quoc night market sells, you can’t ignore the response that it’s a souvenir!

As one of the stalls with lovely handmade items such as keychains, bracelets, printed shirts, wood carvings, etc., there are also expensive products such as pearl jewelry. So, you can freely choose the items you like to give as gifts!

Places and activities in the North Island

  • LONG BEACH – See the most beautiful seascape in the North of Phu Quoc Island

Located in the island district of Phu Quoc, in the bay between Thailand and Vietnam, Bai Dai owns a pristine white sand beach, clear blue sea, vast forests stretching to the sea. The air here is very fresh. Bai Dai fascinates visitors by the scent of the sea mixed with the scent of the forest.

It is the wild beauty that has not been affected much by dust, Bai Dai always brings peace to visitors when coming here and this is also the reason why Bai Dai becomes one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. water. Letters.

  • Ganh Dau Cape – Unexplored wild features

Referring to Phu Quoc, many people will think of Bai Sao, Hon Thom … but few people know the place named Ganh Dau. This beautiful strip of land juts out into the sea in the northwest of Phu Quoc island, in Ganh Dau commune, Phu Quoc island district. In particular, from Ganh Dau cape, visitors will see Hon Nan, also known as Kaoh Ses and Ta Lon mountain of Cambodia or Western Ban island emerging in the sea.

The first impression of visitors when coming to Ganh Dau Phu Quoc is an extremely green space with a crescent-shaped curved beach, embracing the surrounding trees. The sparkling sunlight shines on the clear water, making the colorful coral reefs appear extremely radiant. Fresh air, fine white sand, peaceful nature in Ganh Dau will dispel the feeling of fatigue in the hearts of visitors.

  • VinWonders Phu Quoc – The “national” entertainment paradise

With a scale of 170,000 m2, Vin Wonders Phu Quoc is invested to become the largest modern amusement park complex in the Southwest. VinWondes is an attractive destination that helps the beautiful pearl island of Phu Quoc become a leading resort and entertainment destination in Vietnam for domestic and international tourists.

The games at VinWonders Phu Quoc are very diverse, suitable for all ages. Visitors can choose from thrilling games or fun games for children, or immerse themselves in jubilant shows and parades. Don’t miss the exciting experiences at the aquarium.

  • Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc – The happy land of animals

Voted as the Top 1 Most Attractive Destination by the world’s largest travel website, Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc’s rare animal conservation center has become a must-visit place.

Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc is the first and largest semi-wild animal care and conservation park in Vietnam, built according to world Safari standards. Coming here, visitors will be immersed in the wild space in a vivid and authentic way with fascinating activities to visit, perform and interact with animals.

  • Grand World Phu Quoc – “City that never sleeps”

In particular, having set foot in the North of Phu Quoc Island, you certainly cannot ignore the most attractive entertainment activities on the pearl island at Grand World Phu Quoc. “The city that never sleeps” covers an area of ​​up to 85 hectares and is located in the center of the super complex of Phu Quoc unified center.

Coming to Grand World Phu Quoc, you will admire magnificent and splendid architecture, busy and trendy shopping areas and exciting festivals all year round. All experiences are non-stop. around the clock creating a lively and energetic entertainment space.

  • Rach Vem fishing village – The idyllic beauty of the pearl island

Located in the North of Phu Quoc, about 25 km from Duong Dong town, Phu Quoc mussel fishing village is a place where fishermen live. Coming here, visitors will be immersed in the unspoiled nature, explore the idyllic life of the fishing village. When the sunset dyes the sky and sea, the sound of children playing, the sound of Phu Quoc dogs bouncing around and the sound of people chatting after the fishing session will bring visitors the most peaceful and quiet moments. .

Along the beach, visitors can easily see poetic bridges, some swings on coconut trees, and simple raft houses on the water. This is a great background for you to have beautiful virtual check-in photos. Enjoying fresh seafood right on the raft house amidst the sound of waves is also an experience not to be missed when coming here.

What to do in the South Island?

  • Phu Quoc prison

    • Prison on Phu Quoc island during the French colonial period

      • The largest prison in Southeast Asia

If anyone wonders what year Phu Quoc prison was built, it was in  1946, when the French colonialists occupied Phu Quoc to build the largest prison in Southeast Asia . The prison at that time had an area of ​​about 40 hectares, divided into 4 zones A, B, C, D.

This place is guarded extremely strictly, surrounded by barbed wire fence, above with security lights. The watchtowers and patrols are fully armed.

By April 1954, the prison had about 14,000 inmates, mostly men. Under the brutal torture of the French colonialists, 99 communist soldiers died.

      • Geneva Agreement

After the Geneva Agreement of July 1954, France returned the prison management rights to Vietnam. It seemed that the war stories had ended, but no, Coconut Tree prison entered a new nightmare more brutal and horrifying.

    • Coconut Tree Prison in the US – Wei period

After handing over management rights to the government of the Republic of Vietnam, at the end of 1955, at the old Cay Dua prison, a new prison was built with an area of ​​​​about 4 hectares. At this time, the prison was called the Coconut Tree Prison, divided into male, female and elderly quarters.

Brutal forms of torture  such as barbed-wire cages, nailing to the forehead, knees or high-voltage electric shocks to the body… were applied to our soldiers.

During this period, Phu Quoc prison had thousands of dead people, tens of thousands of people were injured irreparably.

If the places to visit and play in Phu Quoc show us the prosperity and charm of this island, the Phu Quoc prison shows us a sad silence. This place has  saved the heinous crimes  of the American empire, the French colonialists. They did not hesitate to use barbaric tricks to torture the soldiers to lose the will to fight. 

Every nook and cranny of the prison, every story of a soldier has shown  the resilient, indomitable and heroic fighting spirit  of our nation. Visiting  Phu Quoc prison  , we can see the fierceness of the war as well as better understand the history of the nation.

  • An Thoi Market

An Thoi market in An Thoi ward is located in the south of Phu Quoc city, about 30 km from the city center by road. An Thoi ward has an area of ​​34.29 km², population in 2020 is 34,116 people, population density reaches 995 people/km². An Thoi beach has a bow shape, shielded by Den Cape (Hanh cape) and Con Duong cape forming a small bay and quite calm.

This is the second market after Duong Dong market of Duong Dong ward. Most seafood caught from the port will be concentrated here. If you have the opportunity to come to Phu Quoc, this is a place you cannot help but come because of this place. You can choose from a wide variety of fresh seafood and can have them pack and ship it back by plane.

The market is also a place to show the most typical culture of indigenous people, friendly, gentle and hospitable people are one of the things that tourists love when coming to Phu Quoc.

  • Ho Quoc Pagoda

Ho Quoc Pagoda is located in Suoi Lon Hamlet, Duong To Commune, Phu Quoc City, Kien Giang Province, about 15km from Phu Quoc International Airport.
    • From Duong Dong ward, you follow Cach Mang Thang Tam street, turn right onto provincial road 45, then turn left onto provincial road 47. Going further 8km you will meet a roundabout, continue on provincial road 46, go straight for Until you meet Hoang Bach Resort, turn left. From here, you go about 1.3km more and you will meet the road to Ho Quoc Pagoda.
    • Similarly, from Phu Quoc International Airport, you follow Phu Quoc National Highway to Provincial Road 46. Go about 9km to see Hoang Bach Resort, turn left, go about 1.3km to meet the road to Chua Ho. Nation. Ho Quoc Pagoda has its own parking lot for both cars and motorbikes, so you can travel by any means.

Ho Quoc Pagoda, officially known as Truc Lam Ho Quoc Zen Monastery, is the largest Buddhist temple in Phu Quoc as well as the Southwest region with a total area of ​​about 110 hectares, famous for its tranquil landscape. and fresh climate. Ho Quoc Pagoda is not only a place of practice for monks and nuns, Buddhists, but also a great attraction for locals and tourists from all over the world.
The pagoda is designed like a water-oriented painting, using ancient architecture from the Ly – Tran dynasties with the red tiled Tam Quan gate, brick walls, and massive wooden doors carved and carved. The whole system of Ho Quoc pagoda includes 8 main items: Tam Bao palace, To church; Bell tower; empty tower; Triple gate; Venerable House; The Sangha and finally the Canteen, are distributed harmoniously in the magnificent space of the mountains and the sea.
Right at the entrance to Ho Quoc Pagoda, you will see a very large jade Buddha, sitting in front of 70 stone dragon steps, in the middle there is a elaborately crafted bas-relief. In addition, there are many statues of Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Arhats, Dharma protectors, especially relics of Buddha Shakyamuni. On holidays and Tet, Phu Quoc people as well as tourists from all over the world often come to visit, pray for peace as well as experience spiritual culture in this land.

Notes when visiting Ho Quoc Pagoda

  • Ho Quoc Pagoda is open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily, admission is free. Everyone is free to visit, worship, pray and recite Buddha’s name. Klook recommends coming here in the early morning or late afternoon – this is when the scenery becomes more beautiful than ever.
  • Temples are dignified places, so you should pay attention to keep quiet, dress politely and discreetly.
  • The space of the temple is quite large, but there are few trees covering the large canopy, so remember to bring a hat, sun umbrella and don’t forget to use sunscreen.
  • Do not visit the temple on rainy days because the road is quite slippery.
  • The longest sea-crossing cable car in the world

Hon Thom cable car is a cable car route across the sea connecting An Thoi ward with Hon Thom island in An Thoi archipelago, Phu Quoc city, Kien Giang province, Vietnam.

The cable car route is located in the south of Phu Quoc island, about 25 km from Duong Dong ward.

Hon Thom cable car is a modern three-wire cable car route, with a total length of 7,899.9 m connecting An Thoi ward through Hon Dua and Hon Roi islands to Hon Thom island, awarded the World’s longest cable car certificate by Guinness gender. world. The cable car route includes two stations and six towers. The system consists of 69 cabins, each cabin can accommodate 30 guests, operating with a maximum speed of 8.5 m/s. Travel time from An Thoi station to Hon Thom station only takes about 15 minutes.

Construction started on September 4, 2015 and inaugurated on February 4, 2018is the most important item in the Sun World Hon Thom Nature Park marine entertainment complex invested by Sun Group.

  • Mediterranean town

Sun Premier Village Primavera (Mediterranean Town Phu Quoc) is located in An Thoi town, Phu Quoc district, Kien Giang province. As an emerging check-in place in Phu Quoc with a total area of ​​up to 39.3 hectares. Coming to this Mediterranean town of Phu Quoc, visitors will surely be captivated and surprised with the beauty of both ancient and luxurious.

They are colorful buildings, architecture inspired by the Amalfi region of Western Italy. And the whole blue sea – white sand – golden sunshine stretches the island. All have created a unique attractive beauty for this town located in the south of Phu Quoc island.


The Mediterranean town of  Phu Quoc(Sun Premier Village Primavera) is likened to a miniature Europe, with both ancient and modern architecture. Hopefully, the above sharing will help you and your loved ones have the best experience in the beautiful pearl island of Phu Quoc.

  • Explore the South Island Tour

Phu Quoc 4 island tour  includes the HOTTEST attractions of Phu Quoc, especially the beautiful islands of An Thoi archipelago that any visitor should visit once, whether on tour or on tour. . self-sufficient:

    • Namates Coral Park : Includes a beautiful coral ecosystem, home to more than 250 types of hard and soft corals and other symbiotic species, and more than 500m2 used to create fun activities play, entertain in the deep ocean that you will not be able to miss. unable to take their eyes off the magnificent scenery of the colorful natural world under the sea.

    • May Rut Trong Island (or May Rut Islet) : Here you can check-in at Bird’s Nest, Stairway to Heaven, Sun Gate, Ocean bed… May Rut Trong Islet is famous for its clear blue water and beaches. stretched sea. wild and fine white sand, unleash check-in in virtual life. Hon Roi is not inferior to the wild scenery, with fish-raising rafts or interesting experiences such as fishing, taking pictures…

    • May Rut Ngoai Island : After checking in to your heart’s content at May Rut Trong island, you will stop by May Rut Ngoai island to have lunch on the island with delicious dishes of the blue sea. Hon May Rut outside is not only famous for its fresh seafood restaurants but also famous for its colorful SUP boats, you can lie on the boat to take pictures from above. This is also a place where visitors can participate in sports activities on the sea.


    • Gam Ghi Island (Dam Ngang  ) : Known as  the Coral Kingdom . Coming here, visitors will be equipped with free items such as: Snorkel, diving goggles, propellers (propellers), life jackets… to dive and see the coral. You can freely swim and dive to discover hard corals and anemones, horizontal and vertical rocks and schools of colorful swimming fish.

    • Mong Tay IslandDubbed the Maldives of Vietnam , famous for its wooden bridge reaching out to the sea, under the turquoise blue water are reefs that make people feel that the sea water here is very shallow and clear. see through the bottom. Here, visitors can swim, sit on a boat or take beautiful photos.

    •  Sunset Sanato

End the trip perfectly with a beautiful sunset party at Sunset Sanato Beach Club – the  most beautiful place to watch the sunset on Phu Quoc Island . Do not forget to bring your camera and check in the most famous virtual living icons on the island: Flying Elephant, Flying Jellyfish, Stairway to Heaven, Heaven Gate, Tree House, Angel Bridge…

Interesting experiences in the tour of 4 Phu Quoc islands

  • Sea fishing: You are provided with fishing rods and bait.
  • Snorkeling to see coral: Visitors are provided with diving equipment (swimming goggles, life jackets, snorkels, …)

  • Sit on the cable car across the sea to see the whole sea from above
  • Check in beautiful beaches and islands like paradise
  • End the day with a spectacular sunset

  • Experience the largest water park on the South Island
  • Enjoy fresh seafood – famous specialty of Phu Quoc sea
  • Free drone photography and recording if you want to keep it as a souvenir

Itinerary of Phu Quoc Island Four Tour.

8h30 : Pick up you at the hotel, the resort departs for  An Thoi port .

09h30 : Arriving at An Thoi port, you get on a specialized canoe for excursions, seeing the archipelago with 12 small islands.

10:00 : Visit  Namates coral park  with 250 beautiful coral species.

10h30 : Visit May Rut Trong or Roi Islet

11:30 : The canoe moves to May Rut Ngoai Islet. This is an island that is still quite wild and few people exploit, the beach is small but has beautiful blue and white color.

You will have lunch right on May Rut Ngoai Island or a floating restaurant on the sea with interesting experiences with the following menu:

+ Steamed/grilled shrimp
+ Grilled scallop with
onion fat + Braised fish
+ Sweet and sour squid + Fried egg + Cobia hot pot
+ Dessert fruit + White rice

** Menu subject to change

13h30 : Continue the journey, you arrive at  Gam Ghi Island  (also known as Hon Dam Ngang) or  Hon Buom , the guide will give you diving equipment including diving goggles, snorkel, life jacket and slippers. How to use and notes when scuba diving.

15h00Nail Island  – the famous island and is likened to the Maldives of Vietnam.

15:30 : You get on a canoe to return to the port. Continue to experience Hon Thom cable car

Visitors will be able to enjoy the panoramic view of the archipelago from above by the world’s longest 3-wire cable car across the sea.
Destination Hon Thom with green coconut trees stretching, white sand, golden sunshine. Visitors will be able to take super beautiful photos and Explore the pristine and poetic Hon Thom Bai Trao.

Experience  Aquatopia Water Park  – One of the largest and most modern water parks in Southeast Asia.

17h00: You take the cable car back to Hon Thom station, get on the car here you can choose to watch the sunset at Sunset Sanato. Then return to the hotel.

Contact Vietnam Culture Tour.Hot line 0981616667 or zalo 0858867567 to book a combo/ Phu Quoc tour package including visiting the island with good price and detailed advice!!!